Bergen Art Book Fair 2019
Pamflett collaborated with new Bergen based literature initative Tekstallianse for the 7th installment of BABF. The fair was located at Bergen Kunsthall and the one day event Bergen Art Book Seminar with Bergen Art Book Talk Show was held at Litteraturhuset i Bergen. The fair included 55 artists/publishers, guided tours, book launches and book lunches at Bergen Kunsthall.
Date: 14.–17.11.2019
Exhibitors: 55
Visitors: 2000

Liam Cobb Bladr Amatør Lodret Vandret Ane Thon Knutsen Aleatorik Virkelig Forlag Ane Nydal Cappelens Forslag, Tormod Haugland Fukt Magazine Ingrid Lønningdal Alt Går Bra House Of Foundation Teori og Praksis Bazar Art Book Fair Hezin Oh Tur Forlag and Ola Lysgård

Actes Nord Editions Marina Dubia Antipyrine Distribution Forlaget Aleatorik Forlaget Virkelig Lodret Vandret Edizione Multicolore The Smart View Bazar Art Book Fair Sayo Senoo Corners Handi Kim Kristina Alijošiūtė Knust/Extrapool Onomatopee Projects Amatør Ane Thon Knusen Bagi3 (Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo) Bergen Ateliergruppe Bergen Kunsthall Bergen Senter For Elektronisk Kunst Boksalongen Fakultet for Kunst, Musikk og Design (KMD) Floriane Grosset Fukt Magazine Grafill Tegneserier Heavy Books Hordaland Kunstsenter w/ Femke De Vries House of Foundation Kaffi Fanzine, Kay Arne Kirkebø Konstruksjon Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo Kurt Johannessen/Zeth Forlag Levartext Lydgalleriet Norsk Risoforening Northing/Kinakaal Forlag Performance Art Bergen Severina Sars Museum Speakerspeaker Stort Forlag Sverres Zine Teori&Praksis Forlag Texstgroup Topos Bokforlag Tur Forlag Uten Tittel Vagant Blow Up Press Oficyna Peryferie Fuzzy Logic Press MA Book Arts at Camberwell College and Breakdown Press/Liam Cobb
Slim Kerk, Katerli, Erlend Apneseth Trio
Photos by Johanne Karlsrud
Project was funded by Art Council Norway, Bergen Municipality, Hordaland County Council, Norsk Illustrasjonsfond and sponsored by De Bergenske, Litteraturhuset and Bergen Kunsthall.