Exploring Physical Spaces for Artists' Publishing


Thu 11.04 at 16:00

Tekstallmenningen, Markeveien 4 B

In an era where digitalization has transformed the way we consume and produce content, it is important to question the role that physical spaces play in artists' publishing. To delve deeper into this topic, this presentation will showcase the different practices of three notable physical spaces for artists' publishing, namely Tekstallmenningen in Bergen, Bladr in Copenhagen, and einBuch.haus in Berlin.

In collaboration with Tekstallianse.

Tekstallmenningen, located in the heart of Bergen, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and publishing literature, visual art, and critical writing. They provide a platform for artists to showcase their work and organize events such as exhibitions, book launches, and talks.

Bladr, situated in the vibrant neighbourhood of Nørrebro in Copenhagen, is a publishing house and bookstore that specializes in art books, zines, and independent magazines. They curate an eclectic selection of titles and host regular events and workshops.

einBuch.haus is a project space and bookstore based in Berlin that focuses on experimental and conceptual publishing. They collaborate with artists, writers, and designers to produce limited edition books and organize exhibitions and performances. By presenting the different practices of these physical spaces, we hope to shed light on the various ways in which artists' publishing can thrive in a digital world, and the importance of physical spaces in fostering creativity, community, and discourse.