Mandarin Forlag

Mandarin Forlag (Norway/China)

Mandarin Forlag, founded in 2023 by Aina Piao and Qi Tan, is an independent publishing house based in Oslo. The name "Mandarin" not only refers to the fruit often shared by splitting it in half but also to the official language of China. Our mission is to promote Sino-Norwegian cultural exchange by distributing and promoting artists' books.

Currently, we are working on our first project, which consists of five zines. Each zine features two artists—one from China and one from Norway—who interpret a common word through their drawings, creating a bridge between different languages and cultures. Mandarin Forlag is supported by Grafill, the Norwegian organization for visual communication.

We aim to sell several books, including the first two editions of our first zine project, other published zines and other related merchandise products.