Suppergiu magazine

'suppergiù magazine' is a monographic fanzine. Each issue deals with a different theme in an absolutely light-hearted and ironic way, often changing format and printing technique. Started in September 2019 as an experimental project, the first year's issues came out monthly and were free. From number 13, the fanzine doesn't come out regularly anymore, and some issues are subject to a fee to amortize printing costs.
'sieropositivo' is suppergiù's younger sister: a fanzine dedicated to negative entertainment. Conceived by suppergìu magazine in collaboration with CRANI SCIOLTI collective, the zine was born in autumn 2022 and it collects drawings, comics, photographs and texts dedicated to black humor and cynical irony.
Events with Suppergiu magazine:
- Apr 11, 18:00:
10 min x 10 book launches