Bergen senter for elektronisk kunst

BEK – Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts – is an interdisciplinary production centre for art and new technology. BEK develops, produces and communicate projects in the intersection of contemporary art, technology, theory and social critique. BEK arranges workshops and courses for artists in different stages of their careers, and offers artists relevant new tools and expertise through studio residencies and advice. BEK's discursive programme explores theoretical and ethical aspects of the technological development.
For this edition of BABF, we've brought an exciting selection of works:
Ice Records by Susan Schuppli is a sonic exploration of the climate records captured in ice sheets and glaciers. The vinyl record includes field recordings from Schuppli's encounters with scientists, ecologists, activists, communities, and folk singers, as well as a composition by musician Mohamad Safa. It was commissioned by BEK and released in a limited edition of 100, pressed by Nordsø Records. Structure and Synthesis: The Anatomy of Practice by multidisciplinary artist Mark Fell (Urbanomic, 2022) brings together diverse materials charting the development of Fell’s practice. The book interweaves diagrammatic sketches, procedural systems, drawings, and photographs with philosophical essays, cutting polemics, instructional texts, and fragments from the artist’s personal notebooks. 瓠果神山閱覽室 / Gourd Guardian Mountain Reading Room by Ann Chen and Ingrid Burrington is an artists' book and part of a new work commissioned by BEK in 2022 for the symposium The Only Lasting Truth is Change 2022. Riso printed by Pamflett, the book was exhibited as part of the installation – a reading room containing materials from Chen and Burrington's research into environmental and sociopolitical impacts of semiconductor manufacturing in Taiwan. For BABF we will also launch a brand new publication by BEK, containing commissioned texts by Roar Sletteland and Susanne Christensen reflecting on BEK's annual symposium.